About Us

We are the True North – Strong and Free!

We are essentially like most Canadians who are either immigrants or have many generations in this land.

We are proud to call Canada our home and we are equally proud to call ourselves Canadians.

Canada stands for:

  • values worth promoting and defending. Values such as social justice, equality, unity and respect for others.
  • Kindness, compassion and being polite to one another will bring our communities together.
  • Respect for our land and belief in preserving it for future generations

Canada is a country built on principles with protected Rights and Freedoms.

Those Rights and Freedoms liberate and inspire Canadians to dream and empower them to turn those dreams into reality.

For the vast majority of Canadians, their career or job is profoundly connected to their identity and self-worth.

We believe the right to work and earn a living is of sacrosanct importance and should be protected and defended by our government.

We are workers, employees and entrepreneurs from the Province of BC and we are standing together to support everyone’s right to earn a living.

We consider ourselves Patriots and believe what Canada stands for is worth fighting for.

Our Mission
