BC Strong and Free

I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.

Welcome to the “Freedom for BC” website home page!

We built this site to help workers in BC to become more aware about their Rights & Freedoms which we believe will empower them to become better Canadians through exercising those Rights & Freedoms.

Knowledge is Power

Please take advantage of the information provided on this website to become familiar with your rights and how they have been illegitimately usurped by government without due process.

This website is dedicated to helping workers in BC to know their Rights under the Charter of Rights & Freedoms as well as providing the information necessary to understand how/why those rights & freedoms were infringed & usurped by authorities under the guise of being necessary for the Pandemic response.

We believe the easiest format for most to take in this information is through the many videos which cover this subject therefore, we encourage you view them, listen carefully & consider all that is being presented.

Civil Liberties 101: The Canadian Constitution

Published February 19, 2022 – – If video doesn’t load click here
The Canadian Constitution doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. It seems to be often overlooked and with PM Justin Trudeau invoking The Emergencies Act on Feb. 14, 2022, some Canadians may not be aware of what their rights are.
Pandemic Ethics Scholar Dr. Julie Ponesse reads the Constitution Act 1982, Part 1: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and explains why the Canadian Constitution is so important.

The Canadian Constitution: http://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Canada_2011.pdf?lang=en

If you believe civil liberties are important, then please check out the new book by Dr. Julie Ponesse, who is the Pandemic Ethics Scholar for The Democracy Fund.
The book is called “My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates”

A Common Sense Approach To Mandatory Vaccination – What You Should Consider:
Why I OPPOSE Vaccine Mandates, COVID Passports & Big Pharma | Jeremy Corbyn

Published January 18, 2022
In this short video Jeremy Corbyn gives a non-partisan, well reasoned argument against Mandatory Vaccination policy.
I feel he hits on several key points that everyone should think about regarding such an important issue.
Jeremy Corbyn is the voice of reason.
Consistently and profoundly democratic.
Sticks to the issues, no bluster.
Always civil, never ad hominem.
Always calm, never histrionic.

Understanding & Defending your Charter Rights

Published July 23, 2020

In 1982, the Charter was added to the Constitution, meaning that a guarantee of rights and freedoms for Canadian citizens became a part of the Supreme Law of the land.

These rights and freedoms include freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief, expression, the press, peaceful assembly, association, mobility rights, and the right to liberty and security of the person. Some would say in this season, it could be argued that many of these rights have been breached.

Here to discuss the Charter and if, or when, it is ever granted by law to be overridden, is The Honourable Brian Peckford. Mr. Peckford is a very accomplished Canadian political leader, and is the only remaining premier that was at the table with Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his government as they crafted the Canadian charter. He’s such an important voice for such an important conversation to so many of us right now.
Over the last 2 years our nation has seen a very large surge in the formation of advocacy groups, responding to various aspects of both provincial and federal governments’ management methods for COVID-19. Today we’re joined by leaders of 3 such organizations.

Clay Farnsworth is from Police on Guard, a group representing retired and active police officers working to uphold the Constitution of Canada to protect the public and work to restore public trust.

Nadine Ness is the founder of Unified Grassroots, a Prairie-based nonprofit seeking to unify Canadians to protect the values that have made this nation great.

And thirdly, Barry Bussey from First Freedoms, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing freedom for all Canadians through advocacy and courtroom litigation. I know they will all have strong insight to bring to the table at this time.

Why is it Important to Know your Rights & Make an Informed Choice?

Published September 6, 2021
Dr. Julie Ponesse is a highly revered professor of ethics at the University of Western Ontario and a member of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance on the current vaccine mandates and passports in the context of our existing informed consent laws and commitments to privacy and bioethics.

Were you told these vaccines are approved by the FDA & Health Canada?
These vaccines are NOT fully approved!
In fact, these vaccines are still in Clinical Trial till at least spring of 2023 – this information is not being openly shared by government, politicians, mainstream media or even doctors! – How can this be?

Your bodily autonomy & your health are sacrosanct & should never be diminished nor denied …
My Body – My Choice!

We live in a Free Canada not a dictatorship – no government & no employer should be allowed to dictate what you do with your body against your will.

Links to documents referenced in this video:
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Supreme Court Judgment Cuthbertson v. Rasouli
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
Nuremberg Code – NEJM
Letter to Bonnie Henry from Dr. Charles Hoffe
Pfizer Clinical Trial
CPSO Warning to Doctors
Dr. Martin Kulldorff Quote
Dr. Byram Bridle Quote
Dr. Carl Heneghan Quote

Your Rights to Decline Mandatory Covid Measures

Published October 10, 2020 (before Covid vaccines)
In this media presentation, Rocco Galati covers your common-law, statutory, international, & constitutional rights against mandatory medical procedure and/or treatment without expressed, informed, consent in the context of Covid: Vaccines, Testing, Masking and Contact Tracing.

Rocco Galati is an Italian-born Canadian lawyer who specializes in cases involving Constitutional law. Galati is founder of the Constitutional Rights Center which was established as a private corporation whose sole mission & aim is the protection, defense, enforcement, & enhancement of constitutional rights, & the supremacy of the Constitution, & the Rule of Law, without government funding, interference, or influence whatsoever.

In the above video Rocco Galati goes into detail how this pandemic has been used to subvert your rights & freedoms.

People Have Forgotten the Cost of Freedom

Freedom Is Not Free

“Far greater than all the material possessions that I possess is my Freedom to choose, my Freedom to Live, and my Freedom to be Happy.” 

Senator Rand Paul sits down with The Daily Signal’s Mary Margaret Olohan to discuss vaccine mandates, COVID-19 hypocrites like Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom, the Canadian Freedom Convoy, the upcoming Super Bowl, and civil disobedience.

How to become a tyrant, lessons for Canada

People Are Waking to Govt Deceit and Control – Dr. Charles Hoffe, MD

Published February 13, 2022 – – If video doesn’t load click here
Doctor Charles Hoffe of Lytton BC, one of the few doctors in our province willing to speak about that which is forbidden to discuss. Because of this, Charles has sacrificed a great deal.
We owe a debt of gratitude to this brave man of conscience for all he has done and continues to do.
After blowing the whistle on vaccine injuries, including 1 death and several permanent injuries in his practice, Dr. Charles Hoffe was attacked and put under investigation by the College and Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia.
On Sunday, Feb. 13, his powerful message was played on the outdoor video wall for the truckers of #FreedomConvoy in Ottawa.

Sun columnist Lorrie Goldstein speaks with Toronto Sun Editor-in-Chief Adrienne Batra about his concerns over Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s political rhetoric linking unvaccinated Canadians to racists and misogynists.

Trudeau revokes emergency, but now must answer in court!

Published February 23, 2022 – Blank screen at the end of video is because it was not edited properly.
Canadian Constitution Foundation
Justin Trudeau has announced that he is revoking his declaration of a public order emergency. But he will still need to answer in court for his illegal and unconstitutional decision to invoke the Emergencies Act. On Wednesday, February 23, the Canadian Constitution Foundation filed an urgent application for judicial review of the government’s decision to invoke this extraordinary piece of legislation.
This application will still proceed because it is imperative that the first time this legislation has been used it receive scrutiny, especially when the circumstances of its use are so questionable.
The interpretation of this legislation by the courts will be historic, and the abuse of the power of emergency legislation by this Prime Minister will be a stain on his legacy, just as it was on his father’s.

You can read more about our case, including the court filings, here: http://theccf.ca/legal-challenge-eme…
If you want to sign up for updates about this case, you can follow its progress here: http://theccf.ca/emergenciesact/
If you want to support this case by making a tax deductible charitable donation, you can do that here: http://theccf.ca/donate/

Why is information about our legal rights, actual risk from Covid-19 & vaccine injury so difficult for most of us to find? Why is almost every source parroting the same message or “narrative”?

Is it possible that there is bias or even manipulation of the information we get through the “mainstream media” – radio, television & internet?

Who Is Telling The Truth?

Link here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fjrOrQ9xADF2/

The Media And The Narrative

Released August 18, 2020 – Link here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rLO3aN5A2ZJ7/
Mikki Willis’ documentary “Plandemic – Part 2: Indoctornation” has been viewed more than 200 million times.
The above are excerpts from the full documentary which will help you to see how the media and Big Tech are not only capable of but actively manipulating the information you get on a daily basis.
At the turn of the century John D. Rockefeller, who was the first American Billionaire, used his substantial and persuasive influence to control the media and change the narrative toward his favour allowing him to amass even more wealth.

Below is one more excerpt that will detail how Rockefeller was able to also take control of the spawning medical industry and thus create the beginning of what we now know as “Big Pharma”.
Link here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PinPiiTqUIdo/

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